Marina Rosser
James Madison University



(Tuesday, 19th May 2015)

Title : From quasi market to real market: institutional evolution during economic transition from socialism to capitalism

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The economic transition of the former socialist economies to market ones is completed based on various criteria. The framework of the market economy in respective countries has produced a vast gamut of post socialist economic performance ranging from resumed growth to outright stagnation and a reversal of major reforms. The analysis of the institutional rigidity and institutional re-engineering during the economic transition provides for the potential explanation of varieties of post socialism.

Bibliographical references :

A Critique of The New Comparative Economics
J. Barkley Rosser and Marina V. Rosser

Multiple Unofficial Equilibria and Income Distribution Dynamics in Systemic Transformation
J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. Marina V. Rosser, Ehsan Ahmed

Second–best institutions, Dani Rodrik, American Economic review, 2008, 98:2. 100-104

Civil Society, Institutional Change and the Politics of Reform: The Great Transition László Bruszt , Nauro F. Campos, Jan Fidrmuc, Gérard Roland