Pierre Garrouste
Nice U.



(Tuesday, 1st January 2002)

Title : The evolution of the institutional environment

The idea that the institutional environment is influencing the very nature and efficiency of governance structures is an important point of the NIE. Recent contributions in this field deal with the theoretical as well as the empirical explanations of 1) the evolution of the institutional environment and 2) the impact of this evolution on the choice of the governance structures. This workshop is devoted to the presentation of those works :

Bibliographical references :

Eggerston, T. (1990), "Economic Behavior and Institutions", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ménard, C. and Shirley, M. (2001), "Reforming Public Utilities: Lessons from Urban Water System in six Developing Countries", WP The World Bank.

North, D. (1990), "Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Performance", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



(Wednesday, 1st January 2003)

Title : Theories of the Firm

The aim of this workshop is to present and compare the different theories of the firm.

After a rapid introduction where the different conceptions of the firms are historically presented, I first select the main important theories of the firm and present them. I then define the possibility of their comparison. On the basis of some defined criterion, I present both some theoretical and empirical comparisons of the theories of the firm.

Bibliographical references :

Baker, G., Gibbons, R. and Murphy, K.J. (2002), "Relational Contracts and the Theory of the Firm", forthcoming in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117:39-83.

Dulbecco, P. and Garrouste, P. (2003) "The New Economy and the Austrian Theory of the Firm" forthcoming in Birner, J. and Garrouste, P. (2003) Markets, Information and Communication ; Austrian Perspectives on the Internet Economy, London : Routledge.

Hölmstom, B. (1999), "The Firm as a Subeconomy", Jounal of Law, Economics and Organization, 15: 74-102.

Plunket, A. and Saussier, S. (2002), "Human Asset Specificity in Alternative Theories of the Firm: How to rule out competing views?", WP, ATOM.