Todd Zenger
Washington U.



(Wednesday, 23rd May 2012)

Title : The Dynamics of Organizing

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Theories of organization design and boundaries are built around the concept of fit, as organizational forms are matched to environmental conditions, strategic objectives, or exchange conditions. Thus, as objectives and environments dynamically shift, so does design. However, when discrete design choices are poorly matched to design objectives, efficient organization design may dictate dynamically modulating between or among alternative discrete organizations forms, even if the absence of shifts in the environment. The workshop, “The Dynamics of Organizing” will review exogenous factors that shape the dynamics of organizational design and boundaries, but will primarily focus on endogenously generated dynamics, as organizations, pursuing continuously arrayed design objectives, confront a discrete array of design choices. 

Bibliographical references :

Must read reference : Nickerson, Jack A., and Todd R. Zenger. “Being Efficiently Fickle: A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Choice.” Organization Science 13, no. 5 (September 1, 2002): 547–566.

Langlois, Richard N. “Transaction-Cost Economics in Real Time.” Industrial and Corporate Change 1, no. 1 (January 1, 1992): 99–127.

Zenger, Todd  R., Teppo Felin, and Lyda Bigelow. “Theories of the Firm–Market Boundary.” The Academy of Management Annals 5, no. 1 (2011): 89–133.