Brett M. Frischmann
Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University



(Wednesday, 24th May 2017)

Title : Governing knowledge commons

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This workshop focuses on methods for systematically studying knowledge commons. Knowledge commons refers to an institutional approach (commons) to governing the production, use, management, and/or preservation of a particular type of resource (knowledge or information, including resources linked to innovative and creative practice).

Commons refers to a form of community management or governance. It applies to a resource, and it involves a group or community of people who share access to and/or use of the resource. Commons does not denote the resource, the community, a place, or a thing. Commons is the institutional arrangement of these elements and their coordination via combinations of law and other formal rules; social norms, customs, and informal discipline; and technological and other material constraints. 

Knowledge refers to a broad set of intellectual and cultural resources. There are important differences between various resources captured by such a broad definition. For example, knowledge, information, and data may be different from each other in meaningful ways. But an inclusive term is necessary to permit knowledge commons researchers to capture and study a broad and inclusive range of commons institutions and to highlight the importance of examining knowledge commons governance as part of dynamic, ecological contexts.

Bibliographical references :

Frischmann , Brett M. and Madison, Michael J. and Strandburg, Katherine J., Governing Knowledge Commons -- Introduction & Chapter 1, in Governing Knowledge Commons, Brett M. Frischmann, Michael J. Madison and Katherine J. Strandburg, eds., Oxford University Press, 2014. Available at SSRN:

Strandburg, Katherine J. and Frischmann , Brett M. and Cui, Can, The Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network and the Urea Cycle Disorders Consortium as Nested Knowledge Commons, in Knowledge Commons Governance (B. Frischmann, M. Madison, and K. Strandburg, eds.) (OUP 2014). Available at SSRN:

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