Jean-Philippe Platteau
Namur U.



(Tuesday, 2nd April 2002)

Title : The Rise of the Market Order: Endogenous and Exogenous Forces

According to the economic researches and anthropology, This lecture will highlight what could be endogenous in the formation of the market order, and will present adequate analytical tools. These endogenous factors has always to do with decentralized mechanisms of reputation. Then, it will discuss the limits of an entire endogenous approach regarding the emergence of a market order.

Bibliographical references :

J.P. Platteau, 2000, "Institutions, Social Norms, and Economic Development", Harwood Academic Publishers & Routledge.

Chapter 6 : "Endogeneity in the Rise of Market Order"

Chapter 7 : "Market Order, the Rule of Law and Moral Norms".

M. Aoki, (forthcoming), "Towards a Comparative Institutional Analysis", MIT Press.